10 Lines on Republic Day for Class 1 | Republic Day Speech for Kids

10 Lines on Republic Day

10 Lines on Republic Day for Class 1:-

Good morning/afternoon respected teachers, dear friends, and honorable guests. Today, I stand before you with immense pride and excitement to speak about a day that holds great significance in the heart of every Indian – Republic Day.

1. Republic Day is a special day for our country.

2. It is celebrated on January 26th every year.

3. On this day, we remember the day our Constitution was adopted.

4. The Constitution is like a rulebook for our country.

5. We celebrate our unity in diversity on Republic Day.

6. There is a grand parade in the capital city, New Delhi.

7. The President of India hoists the national flag.

8. We sing the national anthem and salute the flag with pride.

9. It is a day to feel proud to be an Indian.

10. Let's celebrate Republic Day with joy and respect for our country.

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